What Kind of Star Is Our Sun
Renee Emerson

What Kind of Star Is Our Sun

The children ask me, hoping
it is a young one, bright and far away
from what we read of the end of stars—

the cooling, expansion,
dandelion explosion,
luminescent remnants
drifting in the airless dark.

Don’t be afraid.
Death is always happening to us.

Even the dust hanging in the sunlight
is our own discarded skin,
glinting like so many broken stars.

Renee Emerson

is the author of the poetry collections Keeping Me Still (Winter Goose Publishing 2014), Threshing Floor (Jacar Press 2016), and Church Ladies (Fernwood Press 2023). She lives in the Midwest with her husband and children and reviews books at ReneeEmerson.Substack.com.