Nights in August
Gwenn A. Nusbaum

Nights in August

What did I know
of my mother’s
fear of darkness?
I, who ridiculed her
while tiptoeing through
the darkened webs
of my country home
before reaching the lamp,
which I turned on with caution—
then relief?

Nights in August
around eight,
cicadas reveled
under blackened sky,
while I pondered
what was out there.

Yet my mother—
like any pioneer—
found the light,
walked upstairs,
settled into the long
reach of night’s arm.

Gwenn A. Nusbaum

has contributed to Confrontation, Diverse Voices Quarterly, Louisville ReviewRattle, and many other journals and is the author of the chapbook Normal War. She is a licensed clinical social worker and is based in Manhattan, New York.