Love Poem #17: Arts & Crafts
Hannah Dow

Love Poem #17: Arts & Crafts

A handkerchief in her pocket, initials
almost yours. She embroidered them
herself, first attempt at the seed stitch,
so K looks more like H. If she had known
you’d go so soon she would have planted
you in the backyard alongside tomato plants
to ensure that you would thrive. Drowned you
in resin like an insect or a flower, fastened
you around her neck on a chain whose clasp
requires extra hands, another body, to undo.

Hannah Dow

is a PhD student at the University of Southern Mississippi's Center for Writers. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Harpur Palate, Soundings East, and Armchair/Shotgun, among other publications. She received an honorable mention in the 2015 AWP Intro Journals Project.