Tara A. Elliott


Here, in this afterward, time
has altogether ceased

& though I still am conscious of my thoughts,
I find I can no longer speak.

I can only glimpse into your world
through this veiled mirror. You will find me here

beneath the swarming of the wasps, beyond
the gnashing of the teeth.

Here your memory has become as thin
as a fingernail I once discarded. You are venom

in the center of this bite & still I listen
for the music of your footstep along the stair.

Tara A. Elliott

has contributed to Cimarron Review, 32 Poems, Ninth Letter, and other journals. An award-winning educator, she also serves as executive director of the Eastern Shore Writers Association and chair of the Bay to Ocean Writers Conference. A student of Lucille Clifton, she is a recent winner of the Maryland Arts Council’s independent artist award for literature.