Aubade in April
Judith Sornberger

Aubade in April

What angle of vision do I need
to see the two does in the orchard

as angels wandering across the centuries
of fallen apples, tiptoeing into this moment,

into our eyes meeting like notes
converging into a chord

as a late snow fills last year’s
bird’s nest with white orchids?

Time’s only the ticking of a woodpecker’s
beak against a tree behind me—

hunger being one way we awaken
to this world, wonder being the other.

Judith Sornberger

is the author of I Call to You from Time (Wipf & Stock), Practicing the World (CavanKerry), and Open Heart (Calyx Books), as well as the prose memoir The Accidental Pilgrim (Shanti Arts Press). Her poems and essays have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Calyx, Image, Cimarron Review, and numerous other journals.